Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Super MARiO or Super Marriage?

Why settle for one when you can have both?!

Updated: Krystle and I play together, we play better together....True Story. And we played this while we were dating and were amazing then too.

Also, Krystle and I don't own a Wii. So we go over to our neighbors and...Joking.

My brother Nathan brought over his Wii when he stayed with us for a 2 week stint while my Mom was traveling.

We might get the next Wii due out in 2012....maybe. -Blaine

Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Break Highlights

Hiding behind Blaine...fresh out of the shower. :)

STOP! Have a nice day.

A little PDA at the Delicate Arch lookout.

Lazy Lizard Hostel
Blaine's haircut 

Monday, April 18, 2011


Today is April 18. We have had our home for almost a year, lived in it all winter. Today, we started a fire in our fireplace for the first time. We are crazy. Why wait so long? Ummm. I don't know. See this? This is a picture of our home when we were repairing our dining room ceiling. It's the only picture I have on hand that offers a picture of our fireplace. :) Oh. And on the left side of the picture is the mini-fridge of ShaNeil's that we used AS OUR REAL fridge for a while. I can't believe what was then and what is now. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A funny statement from one of my freshmen today:

"Gross! This pen has been chewed on. 
And I put it in my MOUTH!" 

Umm. Yeah. This makes me think of two things: 

a) my job is germ-y 
b) students don't think before they speak.


Monday, April 11, 2011


I drove to Ephraim today to attend a meeting at Snow College. Once a year I have to attend to ensure that I can continue teaching ENGL 1010. The meeting was. . . disheartening.

While I was there I went to WalMart. Don't worry. I do not live in Ephraim. I have not lived in Ephraim since 2007 when I had a brief stint as Alumni coordinator. Even still, as I walked out, I instinctively knew the name of the greeter at the exit. Gene. I know this and some part of my mind holds on to the information. I can't adequately express when I realized this fact, but I feel like a bit of a creeper. I feel weird about knowing the name of a stranger. Does this make sense?

Monday, April 4, 2011


For April Fools I setup Krystle's computer to startup with this picture
And automatically play a sound-bit as well.

AND the best of all, it would take a picture every time it went off and I would get to view it at home. Here is a slideshow of all the pictures it took throughout the day.

Krystle started off enjoying it but later after tweaking the application she didn't have control of it by the end of the day.

What Do I Want Out of Life?

While cleaning out my desk I came across a piece of my writing from 2009. I thought I would share it here. :) What Do I Want Out of Life? In...