Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It’s been a while

Since I last felt this lilt

This sense of easy rhythm

The beauty of movement

Of words

Of life

A desire to see red berries

Against white snow

And rejoice.

I am a poet once more because my world

(with you)

is a poem.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Day

Today was a good day, full of tasty food, good company, and much happiness. Love it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Diane Says...

She does not want a blog, but had something blog-worthy happen today. Please comment lots on this post to encourage her forming of her own blog, otherwise a{miss} cook will be high jacked.

My computer is from the dinosaur era. My students let me know that fact as they refer to it as "the dinosaur." Sometimes it does not turn on. Sometimes it turns off at random times. Sometimes, the computer tech tries to fix it and makes it even worse. Once upon a time, the computer crashed and the district wiped off the entire hard drive, Internet, and anti-virus software. Does this seem odd?

Yesterday, I even thought about timing how long it took to open my email, just so I could plead my case. My estimate is four minutes, and that would be being optimistic.

Now the reason for my blog-worthy joy: I HAVE A NEW COMPUTER! I walked into my classroom today and there on my counter...ta da! I asked the teacher across the hall if the computer was indeed mine, because I was scared to get excited if it was just a joke. It was not! The computer is mine.

And now my students need to give this new fellow a name.

:) Diane

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday School

This morning I woke up early to prepare a Sunday School lesson. It has been many moons since I have been in front of the single's branch with a lesson, and something in my heart is seized with a sense of panic when I consider teaching once more.

Mind you, I teach on a daily basis. And sometimes when I am teaching even at the high school I am struck with a terror beyond that which I can express. I look out at 30 students and consider the fact that they are looking to me to guide them, to offer knowledge. I make peace in that context because I am the expert. I understand acutely the concept of parallel sentence structure. I can explain misplaced modifiers in a way that students actually enjoy.

But this?

Sunday school?

I know the gospel is one of truth. I understand that. But I feel like I do not know enough to teach another soul.

And so, here is my admission of shortcoming. I am prepared to teach a lesson, but am afraid that again I may panic and fall apart.

UPDATE: Thank you for your love and prayers and most of all, your presence. I survived it, and am so grateful that you are in my life.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Something Frilly, Feeling Silly

For Miss Nancy Berry's bridal shower, my mother and I bought a classy leopard print ensemble. We are combining this frilly little thing with a sexy cd, a Victoria's Secret candle, etc. Last night I took the outfit out of the bag to show another friend and then left it in the back of my Escape...without the bag.

Today I asked a Senior sudent to run out to my car and get a stack of newspapers from the cargo space. Don't you worry. The nightie was there in all its glory. He did not say a word and came back with the stack of papers, but I am WAY too embarrassed to even ask if he saw what I know he saw.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Is That a Movie?

My mother and I bottled homemade apple pie filling tonight. As we were working we talked about shopping tomorrow for a bridal shower gift for one of my newly-engaged best friends.

My little brother said, "Oh! Are you going up North?"

I said, "Yes. I'm going to see my shrink."

He said, "Is that a movie?"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Sky Is Blue

I sometimes get so caught up in life that I forget to notice the beautiful things. For example, right now I am worried about getting my laundry done, or making my bed, or planning for tomorrow or grading essays.

But, people, the sky is blue! Isn't that a gorgeous thought?

What Do I Want Out of Life?

While cleaning out my desk I came across a piece of my writing from 2009. I thought I would share it here. :) What Do I Want Out of Life? In...