Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A List O' Stuff I'm Grateful For

When I was in college each year I would create a list of things for which I am grateful. I would ask others to add to the list as they visited my dorm room, and it is a tradition that I miss. That said, here is my latest list, in blog form:

I am grateful:

*That I am walking distance from two loving and lovable parents.
*That I am able to spend time with Jace on a regular basis.
*For our every other Sunday dinners at which I am able to see sisters, brothers in law, and their offspring.
*That I have beautiful nieces and nephews (it gives me such hope for my own children)!
*For a roommate who loves me unconditionally.
*For friendships that last in spite of geography.
*That I am 9 credits away from another degree.
*That next Tuesday is my last day of INST classes until January.
*To be able to teach students who are willing to learn.
*For a great job which I love.
*That I am friends with the other teachers in my department.
*That Nancy introduced my to Ovaltine.
*For my feather bed pillow top.
*That I have been able to have real relationships with my grandparents.
*That people love me in spite of my many flaws.
*That if I cut my hair it will grow back.
*That Joelle thinks I am the best dressed woman in the building.
*For good books.
*For Dollar Tree shaving cream.
*For school lunch on the days I don't take the time to pack one of my own.
*For crock pots and blueberry muffins.

Please! Respond to this list (or blog one of your own) with things for which you are grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Auld Lang Syne

Another day and another song to share. This is perhaps a little early because the song is more of the New Year variety, but it has been in my head as of late and it sometimes suits me to pass these things on. I heard the song for the first time on the SATC movie, and since then listen to it every few weeks (although I do not own the soundtrack!) It haunts my soul, in a good way. Let me know if you enjoy it. :)

If you want to sound brilliant this holiday season, you can read a little bit about Auld Lang Syne here.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have not eaten since noonish and now it is 8 PM and I am hungry. This looks tasty to me:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Peery Hotel

I am staying in SLC for a conference this week and they always put us up in such nice places. This time, I am at the Peery Hotel in the heart of downtown. In case you want to feel jealous, you can check it out by clicking here.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, one of the things I miss most about living in Salt Lake is my ability to get curry in a hurry (i.e. Thai food to go). I am such a fan of yellow curry specifically, and whenever I leave town I make a point to eat foods that I cannot get in Nephi. Last night I was ambitious and I tried to make curry on my own. I purchased bamboo shoots and carrots and potatoes and chicken. I also purchased green curry paste, chicken stock granules, and coconut milk. Turns out I know how to make a mad Thai curry. Yes, I cheated...the bottle of "paste" told me the ways, but it was still as good as anything that I could get in a restaurant. Also, considering how many servings I was able to make for the price, it is cheaper than restaurant fare as well. Tasty. Homemade green curry gets two thumbs up.

What Do I Want Out of Life?

While cleaning out my desk I came across a piece of my writing from 2009. I thought I would share it here. :) What Do I Want Out of Life? In...