Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Phase One

We have completed phase one of Operation De-gunk in our kitchen. I call it such because it seems like much of last week was spent getting rid of the grime that has accumulated on our cabinets during the last 30 years. Animal hair and grease and globs of old ketchup. I scraped all of this and more out of the decorative cabinet grooves. Blaine primed and sanded and painted and made my cabinets have hope. I will give you a preview, but just a little. We are still waiting for the drawer pulls to arrive, still waiting to decide what to do up top. But this kitchen... It is looking better than it has in my lifetime.

What Do I Want Out of Life?

While cleaning out my desk I came across a piece of my writing from 2009. I thought I would share it here. :) What Do I Want Out of Life? In...