A) This submarine can travel only east to west. It does not have the capability to turn and travel north to south, nor can it travel west to east. You travel in one direction. Should a current snap you up, you will still travel east to west but will also drift a bit without your consent, perhaps to the north or the south. Your destination is unknown, but the submarine will pretty much move forward in the same direction, and will make it to the destination safely.
B) This submarine can travel east and west and north and south, but only with the help of powerful magnets. The over use of these magnets has made the submarine a little less reliable. In fact, while on the journey there is a chance that this submarine will split in half and sink because the magnets have weakened the ship so much. But, you are not at the mercy of currents. You are mostly in control of your travels, with the small exception of the danger that you are in while on this submarine.
I had to choose between these two in a dream I had this afternoon. What do you suppose my choice to be?
I also welcome any comments offering dream analysis.