Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm Tired

I am a tired woman. My life is full of all good things but I still lapse into temporary crankiness.

Last week was a beast. JHS had Red Ribbon week, our second Clarion was published, and National Honor Society hosted a food drive dance. It was the last week of the quarter, which adds to the stress of the week. On Friday and Saturday I went to Ephraim for the Spooky Snow Speak Off. I travelled by bus and I was half way there when I realized that I had $14 in my pocket to feed me for the whole weekend. Thank goodness that I have a sister who lives on campus!

Saturday we had a Halloween party in Nephi and our friends came down from Provo. Asher (our kind of sort of foster son) and his little brother Daniel were also around, and we stayed up late eating tasty treats and watching The Carriers (treats and gore don't really go together, FYI).

Sunday was a Cook family get together and I had a great time.

Today, I feel super unappreciated, for no real reason. Sigh. Is it bed time yet?


  1. My end of October/beginning of November sounds about like yours does. Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day. :)

  2. Hey there,

    Few questions. One, where does everyone find this perfect template? Why can't I find it? Please assist.

    Two, how does everyone custom design their blog title? Why am I so inept at blogging?

    More like four questions, but four BURNING questions. If blogging is supposed to be easy, it's not for me.


What Do I Want Out of Life?

While cleaning out my desk I came across a piece of my writing from 2009. I thought I would share it here. :) What Do I Want Out of Life? In...